I spend a lot of time on this feed talking wordplay and puzzle history, and I spend some talking about the history of comics and cartoons. But I don’t spend a lot of time talking about the history of puzzle cartooning. Partly because there’s not that much history that’s been done!
I have stumbled upon a few puzzle toons I think are neat, though, from various eras. Here’s one that’s over a century old!
In case you can’t read it, “Each of the twelve words which are here represented by pictures contains the same number of letters. Write the words in order, one under the other, and the central letters (reading downward) will spell a name much used today.” This puzzle hit multiple papers on March 17, 1920, and it’s still solvable 105 years later!
For your convenience, here’s a magnified image of the puzzle-relevant pictures only.
Take a whack at it if you like, and I’ll include the answers in tomorrow’s update!
Also tomorrow: A (condensed edition) of a Shazam piece for The Journal of Wordplay! Can backronyming save the multiverse?
backronyming: It is rumored that the mutiverse can be saved if enough puzzle fans gather and chant in unison : LLEBPMAC T .
The only hope we have left.
It is a shame his wife divorced him after he openly admitted to being a polygamist when he
revealed to the woirld A marriage of his passions. Rated XXX