Today, I’ve got some lookalike and soundalike names not included in the two articles I linked last time. But before we dive into those, I want to add notes to two pairs mentioned in the Kristen Harris piece.
Harris mentions John Paul Jones, bassist of Led Zeppelin, and John Paul Jones the Bachelor contestant…but overlooks the other John Paul Jones, the one from the American history books.
And while Harris brings up the two Vanessa Williamses, she misses the most astonishing thing about them—the actresses appeared in two separate projects that also had the same name! Vanessa Estelle Williams starred in the 2000-2004 TV series Soul Food, which won her an award. However, that series was based on the 1997 movie Soul Food…which starred the other Vanessa Williams.
Perfect Pairs
Jack Johnson was the first Black world heavyweight boxing champion…during the Jim Crow era, facing everything that implies. Jack Johnson is a soft rock/acoustic musician. You may know another Jack Johnson, if you’re a hockey fan.
Jim Jones is a rapper. Jim Jones was a cult leader.
Jon Favreau is an actor and writer-producer, known for Marvel and Star Wars projects. Jon Favreau is a political speechwriter.
Christopher Lloyd is the producer and co-creator of Modern Family. Christopher Lloyd is an actor in the Back to the Future films and Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
Bill Campbell was an influential Silicon Valley executive and chairman of Intuit. Bill Campbell was an Atlanta mayor found guilty of corruption. “Bill Campbell” was listed as lead actor in The Rocketeer, but that actor goes by Billy Campbell now. (And Bill Campbell is a former ad exec, painter, and great dad. Hey, it’s my list, I’ll put my dad in there if I want.)
One Initial Off
Adam Goldberg has acted in films like Saving Private Ryan and A Beautiful Mind, and is now on TV’s The Equalizer. Adam F. Goldberg is a TV and film producer and main character on the TV series based on his life, The Goldbergs.
Wendy Williams is a talk-show host and “shock jockette” recently retired from her self-titled program. Wendy O. Williams was a punk singer known for some shocking concerts and lyrics.
Rubi Rose is an up-and-coming rapper with songs from the last few years including “I Like” and “He in His Feelings.” Ruby Rose is an actress appearing in Batwoman, Orange Is the New Black, and the John Wick and Pitch Perfect series.
Anne-Marie is an English singer-songwriter who’s charted many times in the UK and has her third album out this year. Ann Marie is an American singer-songwriter best known for the single “Secret.”
Bill Nye is a TV science educator. His latest show is The End Is Nye, focusing on natural disasters. Bill Nighy is an award-winning English character actor. He had the lead role in last year’s Living.
Jon Stewart is a comedian/TV host who redefined The Daily Show, straddling the line between cheeky humor and searching honesty. John Stewart is one of the Green Lanterns, a set of superheroes whose rings can create matter and energy from willpower. He’s the only fictional character on this list.
Kobe Bryant was a much-loved basketball player. He played numbers 8 and 24 for the Lakers. Coby Bryant is a young football cornerback. He plays number 8 for the Seahawks…to honor his soundalike.
Tomorrow, I’ll get into a few name-pairs that are a little more different but still close enough to cause comical mixups. Until then…