I hate missing any deadlines, even self-imposed ones, but I’ve had to face up to that a few times lately. Here’s hoping this will be the last.
Some continued weird readings from our diabetic cat Natasha—whose proper insulin dose is currently a matter of debate between different veterinarians—have left me getting pretty familiar with the little device below. To be brief, we’re still trying to figure out how to get it into the green zone and keep it there.
Natasha had a crash on early Sunday. She’s in good spirits and pretty active now: we’re just trying to make sure she stays that way.
Yesterday, I managed to do some of the work I expected to in spite of this, but not all of it. Here’s the short report:
TJoW #7 is largely drafted and undergoing review now. I still need to do the “Further Reading” section, and the introduction probably needs a revision, but we’re closing in.
The “as in” piece I promised yesterday is getting pushed to Thursday (after the micross).
And if you’re a contributor (or interviewee) wondering why I haven’t emailed you yet, my apologies. That correspondence is coming later today…
…after my dentist’s appointment. Ah, life!