A couple of years back, I wrote about various ways to clue the word eat or its past tense ate, There was one usage that wasn't on my radar, which was the latest slang synonym for to be cool. As in, That dress was amazing! That dress ate. Sources are divided on whether this slang “belongs” to Gen Z or Gen Alpha.
Now that I have the opportunity to clue ate in a puzzle again. I am taking advantage of this new knowledge.
The fact that I have become aware of this term means that it is probably about six months away from going out of date, so I'd better hurry.
I’ve got a busy day of reading today and this weekend on top of my other commitments, so I will be spending some time sharing a few interesting excerpts I have come across tomorrow. A bit from The Hidden History of Coined Words, from Randall Munroe’s how to, and maybe a third source if I have time.
Mostly language-related stuff. You know me.
The old children's riddle: "What terrible thing happened to the number 9 at dinner?
7 8 9
I have never heard it in present sense. It is always in past sense, in my experience.