Posting’s going to be on the light side for the next week, possibly the next two. It’s an uncertain time on the day-job front, and on the home front, time to concentrate on putting the latest Journal of Wordplay together. I’ll still be doing the microstics on Wednesday and year-in-crossword-history stuff on Saturday, because I set those wheels in motion a while back. Other days, it’ll be more like “Here’s a cool thing I found” or “Here’s a quick update.”
So, here’s a quick update:
Today is the deadline for submissions to The Journal of Wordplay! If you’re just now hearing about this, TJoW is a publication for wordplay studies—sometimes serious, sometimes goofy, sometimes somewhere in between—a bit along the lines of the classic Word Ways. If you have an idea but no time to get it to me by end-of-day today, you can still send it—it’ll just be considered for the April issue instead of the February one.
This is how the official logo looks now. But will it look the same way—tomorrow?
Tomorrow: Bet you can’t guess.