Wait, where's the new “Year in Crosswords”? Well, a glitch in Substack cost me most everything I did on it yesterday. (Thanks, Substack! Thanks a lot!) Rather than start this year out with a frantic deadline panic, I think it's better to give myself an extra day. It should be ready before 9 AM tomorrow.
In the meantime, here's what I meant to run tomorrow, today! A set of simple resolutions for the coming year:
Clean tables more often, regularly.
Clean cat boxes more often, regularly.
Morning workouts (either weights or bike).
Plan my viewing of film and TV for the year instead of just watching random things as they cross my desk.
Same, but for reading.
Give up going to a few websites that used to be rewarding visits but are just bad habits at this point.
Keep up with the Substack and The Journal of Wordplay. I've been pretty good about the former, a little wobbly about deadlines with the latter. Juggling those with the new job is going to be a challenge, but I think I can manage it as long as I allow some small-update days and stay flexible.
Keep trying new things. We spent last night at our favorite restaurant doing pub trivia, a scavenger hunt, and other party games, a new way to ring in the new year for us. Things were crowded enough that we ended up talking with a couple of people we'd never met before. Felt like a good way to kick off the new year, especially since we won a lot.
Become a hag-ridden vigilante who preys on the evil, wealthy, and powerful, using my strange powers to leave them amnesiac and penniless. Contemplate whether those who have killed should pay the ultimate price, but in the end, decide not to cross that line. Star in four-issue miniseries.
Eat more fruit.
Shall we stsrt a betting pool about on what date will all more than 7 resolutions be broken?
I';l take Jsnuary 3rfd. Eat more fruit might survive if you count chocolaste as a fruit.
#9 is just there to see if anyone actually read through the whole thing lol