I'm a bit busy to write a full post right now. But I got mailed a lot of comp copies last night for my work adapting Seven Seas properties for an American audience.
(I dropped Merman in My Tub and Dragon Goes House-Hunting in there from earlier mailings, just so the full range of my work there got into the photo.)
Translating manga is usually a two-part process. The translators are the ones who turn it from Japanese to English. But the translation is usually a bit literal. So that's where adapters like me come in, trying to make the dialogue more colloquial, getting it into a more natural-sounding rhythm, and often just omitting needless words. (And sometimes we fix other little issues too, as they come up.)
I haven't had as much work from the publisher in recent years and don't know what's ahead on that front, but working with these various characters, and their impressive neuroses, has always been a joy.