I hoped to have all the material for The Journal of Wordplay #5 ready for my team to look at by today. That’s clearly not gonna happen. The submissions aren’t the main source of the holdup: I’m mulling and discussing the treatment of excerpts and of my own work.
For instance, I’d like to get in a representative selection from The National Puzzler’s League: The First 115 Years, but the book is written in a way that resists easy excerpting, so sifting through what to leave in and what to leave out is taking longer than expected. I also definitely want to show some more of the acrostic translations of The Babylonian Theodicy, but I’m waffling on whether to include the full text—giving readers the full effect—or publish the full Theodicy as its own work. Or both!
From experience, I know that I’ll work out these sorts of problems with time, consideration, and conversation. I now expect to have the Journal ready for others’ review by the end of the week. But that’s where we’re at!
Tomorrow: The corporate “they.”