In “Unsociable Housemaid Discourages Facetious Behaviour,” a piece from Word Ways #2.4, Ross Eckler examined supervocalic words, those special compositions that include A, E, I, O, and U, once each. (Every word in the title of his piece is a supervocalic.) Ross noted there are 120 possible sequences of such vowels and listed examples for most but not all of them, inviting Word Ways readers to fill in the gaps.
Several Word Ways contributors revisited the subject a couple of decades ago. Susan Thorpe did “AEIOU: A Thirty-Year Quest” (August 1999). Building on her work, Eric Chaikin offered “120 Supervocalic Permutations" (May 2000) and “AEIOU: Supervocalics in Webster's Third” (November 2000). Darryl Francis offered notes and revisions to the latter with “Jailhouse Businesswoman Discourages Gregarious Barrelhousing” (February 2002).
I have included my own list below, informed as much by personal taste as by principle. Unlike Eckler, I’ve excluded all usage of “y” as a vowel. I’ve opted for American spellings, which puts options like “behaviour” and “favourite” out of reach. When choosing between less familiar “dictionary words” and dictionary-authorized phrases, I do tend to favor the latter, though that’s not a hard and fast rule. Aired out may be more familiar, but no way could I pass on the delightful ambidextrous.
Many of my entries have precedents in the prior sources. The ones in bold do not.
(I am only about 85% sure that I’ve made no mistakes here, so if I have, apologies in advance.)
AEIOU facetious, abstemious
AElUO make it up to
AEOIU pandemonium
AEOUI warehousing
AEUIO trade union, fall equinox
AEUOI paneulogism
AIEOU ambidextrous
AlEUO waited upon, antineutron
AIOEU raisonneur
AIOUE grandiloquent, jailhouse
AIUEO antinucleon, brain surgeon
AIUOE air quotes
AOEIU androecium, apothecium
AOEUI all-vowel-using [I couldn’t resist]
AOIEU gasoline pump
AOIUE alloimmune
AOUEI abounded in, macronuclei
AOUIE tambourine, malnourished
AUEIO act superior
AUEOI au revoir
AUIEO adult video
AUIOE hallucinogen, cauliflower
AUOEI autotheism
AUOIE authorize
EAIOU tenacious, nefarious
EAIUO prevail upon
EAOIU crematorium
EAOUI demagoguism
EAUIO exhaustion
EAUOI peanut oil
EIAOU screwing around, semifamous
EIAUO semiauto
EIOAU plesiosaur
EIOUA periocular
EIUAO helium atom
EIUOA entwicklungsroman
EOAIU Ebola virus
EOAUI ecoaudit
EOIAU neostriatum
EOIUA dentolingual, yellowfin tuna
EOUAI encouraging, repopulating
EOUIA pre-Columbian
EUAIO equation, education
EUAOI euharmonic, rheumatoid
EUIAO repudiator
EUIOA equivocal, delusional
EUOAI neuropathic
EUOIA sequoia, euphoria
IAEOU intravenous
IAEUO fixate upon
IAOEU hit a home run
IAOUE dialogue
IAUEO disabuse of
IAUOE giant sunflower
IEAOU lie around
IEAUO in default of
IEOAU line of Saturn
IEOUA intercolumnar
IEUAO sine qua non
IEUOA ticket quota
IOAEU lithofracteur
IOAUE ignoramuses
IOEAU hippocentaur
IOEUA isocellular
IOUAE inoculate, discourage
IOUEA in your dreams
IUAEO dissuade from
IUAOE visual cortex
IUEAO vituperator
IUEOA milquetoast
IUOAE insupportable
IUOEA circumboreal
OAEIU os trapezium
OAEUI cottage tulip
OAIEU containerful
OAIUE odalisque, portraiture
OAUEI nonauthentic
OAUIE consanguine, novaculite
OEAIU cometarium
OEAUI overvaluing, overhauling
OEIAU comme il faut
OEIUA nonresidual
OEUAI one-upmanship, conceptualism
OEUIA proeguminal
OIAEU toxic waste dump
OIAUE foliature, ovicapsule
OIEAU moineau, Oriental rug
OIEUA omnisexual, police squad
OIUAE coinsurance, continuance
OIUEA oblique flank
OUAEI mouthwatering, you name it
OUAIE outpatient, popularize
OUEAI housemaid, counterclaim
OUEIA lounge lizard
OUIAE communicate, outdistance
OUIEA outlinear, outsider art
UAEIO lumbar region
UAEOI quatrefoil
UAIEO put a price on
UAIOE ultraviolet, unsanctioned
UAOEI ultramodernism
UAOIE ultraconfident, unsavoriness
UEAIO numeration, ulceration
UEAOI unreasoning
UEIAO blue diamond
UEIOA question mark
UEOAI undemocratic
UEOIA unmethodical, Puerto Rican
UIAEO ruminate on
UIAOE undiagnosed, musical note
UIEAO quindecagon
UIEOA businesswoman, guideboard
UIOAE unimportance, junior-grade
UIOEA putting to death, ultraviolet lamp
UOAEI surrogateship
UOAIE unconstrained, suffocative
UOEAI suboceanic, unproblematic
UOEIA duodecimal, uncongenial
UOIAE unsociable, subordinate
UOIEA subcontinental
Susan Thorpe also did a piece on AEIOUY words, aka euryvocalics, but that’s worth a post of its own! (Later!)
WOW! wonderful exloration of vowel movements.
See ee eerily create a ghost poem.
6 consecutive e's.