Where''d this all start, anyway?
T creates
]Crossword & cryptic puzzles,
Acrostics, Anagrams --
Many different kinds,
Puzzles of all shapes & sizes,
Brain twisting
Leaving his fans
Lost in astonishments & amazementslÂ
Many images of "ancient crossword puzzles" in this chapter of my "The Cultural History of the Crossword Puzzle"., written in Portuguese. https://1drv.ms/b/s!Aj6kOBkyV630huhzE9q4_EHjd-BPOQ?e=76f8wG
Oh, wow, I consulted this a while back! I'll need to give the pre-Greek examples a more thorough going-over...
T creates
]Crossword & cryptic puzzles,
Acrostics, Anagrams --
Many different kinds,
Puzzles of all shapes & sizes,
Brain twisting
Leaving his fans
Lost in astonishments & amazementslÂ
Many images of "ancient crossword puzzles" in this chapter of my "The Cultural History of the Crossword Puzzle"., written in Portuguese. https://1drv.ms/b/s!Aj6kOBkyV630huhzE9q4_EHjd-BPOQ?e=76f8wG
Oh, wow, I consulted this a while back! I'll need to give the pre-Greek examples a more thorough going-over...