Normally, this message would be announcing the rollout of the Ubercross Abecedaria G. It’s all ready, the clues are all written, the grid was done ages ago. But…there’s a technical problem! And you know what they say: “Technically incorrect is the best kind of incorrect.”
The special nature of the clues for this section means those clues are not surviving my usual technique to get them saved and packaged as PDFs and HTML files (a technique I’ve already refined to be friendlier to italics and address other issues). Again, if you glance at the sample clues in the Ubercross small g, you can probably guess at what the complication is with these clues as opposed to, say, the clues for any other section.
I thought I’d prepared adequately for this, but it was worse than I expected, and there’s just no way through it except a lot of manual copying and pasting. I’ve been tunneling through it, but I just need a little more time (and sleep) to be sure it’s all taken care of correctly.
So here’s the deal: Ubercross Abecedaria G will launch on April 12, 2 PM Eastern Standard Time. That’s a couple more hours than I estimate I’ll need (just in case). Since no other part of the Ubercross uses clues like these, I don’t anticipate further delays going forward. (Until we get to U, maybe. The dreaded U.)
I’ll send out a fresh update/email when Ubercross G is live. Many thanks for your patience!