what i really want to see is Tryphiodorus's lipogrammatical Odyssey... which seems to have disappeared sometime after its 10th century mention in the Suidas, although everyone who writes about lipograms seems to confuse it with that poem of his we still have, "The Sack of Troy".

i bought a copy of "Satire: Veritas" back when he was offering it from an ad in the back of Word Ways. it's on a par with Howard Bergerson's snippets of palindromic opera that no one has ever wished had been completed. i also have "Dr Awkward..." from about the same time. until Anthony Etherin writes a good one, i think it's pretty obvious that giant palindromes, like giant dinosaurs, are an evolutionary dead end.

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You're probably right that they're no great shakes, but I'd still love to see copies at some point!

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