This installment was going to get a little more into the history of the Ubercross series, but…this morning, Janice and I learned we’d been exposed to COVID. I know, we’re so behind the times. After we’d cancelled all our appointments, dealt with Janice’s in-office situation, exorcised the self-blame, welcomed in the existential dread, and invited it to a game of Parcheesi, I just didn’t have it in me to edit the installment for today. But we’re asymptomatic so far and a few days off from getting tested ourselves, so we’ll be making the best of the days ahead and seeing which of our New Year’s resolutions survive quarantine.
Hope you’re having a good day back at work! Updates should continue on schedule after this, barring… [sung to the tune of “Captain Caveman”] com-pli-caaaaaaa-tions…!