I’m lining up a few interviews for the next couple of weeks with some wonderful outlets…I’ll give specifics once those are out.
And I’m starting to talk with the city of Manassas to see if I can tie the Ubercross releases—and through them, the Journal—to Manassas’ own efforts to be known for something other than the Battle of Bull Run and Lorena Bobbit.
My wife and I have a bit of a running debate about the best way to publicize the Ubercross. She’s bought the domains BigAssCrosswords.com and BigAssCrossword.com, which currently redirect to the main Ubercross page.
Naturally, I prefer the name I came up with, because of my confidence in my immeasurable brilliance. But I have to admit that when we were selling Ubercrosses in person and she brought up the other name, we got a few people responding “Oh, YEAH! I’ll remember THAT!” So I have to consider that, a little bit. Have I been marketing the puzzles wrong, all this time?
I’m not at the point of renaming the project…and I’m not entirely sure what would get me there…but if you have a perspective on this controversial issue, feel free to share!