Sitemap - 2024 - T Campbell's Grid

Crossword Skeets II

Me, Reading Your Skeets

The Strange Beginnings of the Super-Team



A Holiday Playlist

Merry Christmica!

Ho(p) Ho(p) Ho(p)!

Lois Lane: The Mom Era

Lois Lane: The Partner Era

1916: The Year In Crosswords

Composing Palindrome Poems

Speedrunning Word Ways #7.2

Micross #50

The Art of "The Abridged Series"

"Labors of Love," Part II

Lois Lone

1915: The Year In Crosswords



Micross #49

The Highest One-Move Scrabble Score (2 of 2)

The Highest One-Move Scrabble Score (1 of 2)

Lois Lane: The Villain Era

The Embiggening Filter

The Palm-Eyed Man

The True Meaning of "Christmas"

Micross #48

Long Bodies, No Heads

(Will Shortz and) I Return!

10+ Blessings: A Listicle

Micross #47

The Journal of Wordplay #7

Lois Lane: Beginnings

The Greatest Super-Story Never Told

British Word Puzzles, 1800-1850

A Sin of "As In"

Micross #46

Cat Sugar Levels, Human BP Levels

In Progress.

Disproving The Marvel Sole-Authorship Theory


The Art of Strike Puzzles


Micross #45

Phobology (3 of 3)

Phobology (2 of 3)

"L" is for "Labors of Love"

What a Week...

Phobology (1 of 3)


M-M-Micross #44 😅


Eighteenth-Century British Puzzling

Paperback Paradise

Halloween Roundup

The Art of WandaVision Titles (2 of 2)

The Art of WandaVision Titles (1 of 2)

Birthday Micross #43!

Nommes de Plume

TJoW #7 Deadline!

Making a Mockery out of "Mac"

Pocket FM

"Incriminating," Excerpt II

Google, You Idiot

Micross #42

The Long Gestation of Superman (3 of 3)

The Long Gestation of Superman (2 of 3)

The Long Gestation of Superman (1 of 3)

Color Thesaurus

One-Letter Words

Re-sorting the Microsses

Micross #41

Not Dead, Only X-ing

Submission Time!

The Multi-Trick Crossword

The Proto-Graphic Novels of 1936

Pangrammatic Windows

Dealing in Absolutes

Micross #40

Best Parody Song, 2023

Best Comedy Music Original Song, 2023

Best Comedy Music Video, 2023


Theming "Arch" (3 of 3)

Theming "Arch" (2 of 3)

Micross #39

Theming "Arch" (1 of 3)

Bonza by Bozo

Albuquerque Sights

"I" Is For "Incriminating"

License Plates

Watching Words: Scrubs

Micross #38

1914: The Year in Crosswords

Camel Case

The Strawberry Meme

How to Plutogram



Micross #37


The Plutogram

Theming "Budge"


Higher-Dimensional Word "Forms"

4, #4, Francis

Micross #36

Arthur Wynne

Jack, Sandra, and "Mac"

Obadiah, Ally, and Dan

The Strange Path of the Word "Subbookkeeper"

Paradoxic Wisdom

Theming "Vegetarian"

Micross #35

Word "Forms" (4 of 4)

Word "Forms" (3 of 4)

Word "Forms" (2 of 4)

Word "Forms" (1 of 4)

Crossword Prehistory: Victorian Era

Crossword Prehistory: Ancient to Post-Industrial

Micross #34

The Art (and Science) of Resume Writing

Rare Manuscripts and Wordplay

More on WUVZ, QAJAQ, and WUZZY

Harvey Beeferman

Following Francis Further

Medicostatuses or Iatronyms

Micross #33

The Cover That Wasn't

The Journal of Wordplay #6!

Cinderella: Finale

The Artistic Onomastic Games (2 of 2)

The Artistic Onomastic Games (1 of 2)

Thursday of Rest

Micross #32

Emotions, Personified

Draft Day!

Hurricane Names

"Sailor" (2 of 2)

"Sailor" (1 of 2)


Micross #31

Seriously, Olympic Ads?

The Word Play Restaurant

Simplified Spelling: An American History

Reading the Longest English Word

Micross #30

Ending a Cinematic Universe

Deadline Day!

Biblical Acrostics (3 of 3)

Biblical Acrostics (2 of 3)

Biblical Acrostics (1 of 3)

"Five-Letter" Words

Micross #29

Lindon's Languages

Reading 📚

A Two-Faced Promo

Weird Al Returns!

On Break...

Whatever Happened to Henri Duval?

Micross #28

Do These Music Videos Feature The Same People?

A Couple More Pairings

"OTOH" Songs

"Jesus, The Punster"

Personal Connections

Let's Play: Connections

Micross #27

Strands: A Weaver's Perspective

Three Weeks Out!

Strands From Me To You!

How To Strands

Fourth and Back

No Cap, Cap.

Micross #26

The Saddest Word

Curriculum Viae

Zoo Crew Logo Design (2 of 2)

Zoo Crew Logo Design (1 of 2)

The Rise and Fall of the Gaffe

Gen-Z-Friendly Acronyms

Micross #25

Defying the Misery Index

Deep Mnemonics


Alphabetic Word Chains

Remembering Jan Fine

Lost in the Pond...

Micross #24

LAUNCH: The Babylonian Theodicy

Same-Named Bands

Remembering Eckler's Debut

Word Ways Flashback

Unsociable Housemaid's Continuable Numeration


Micross #23

Today's Three-L Lamas (Lllamas?)

AI and the Problem of Mediocrity

Modern Grammar: The @ Sign, Where Where Is Who

Literal Lyrics

More Lost Ambigrams (6 of 6)

More Lost Ambigrams (5 of 6)

Micross #22

More Lost Ambigrams (4 of 6)

More Lost Ambigrams (3 of 6)

More Lost Ambigrams (2 of 6)

More Lost Ambigrams (1 of 6)

Modern Grammar: The Intelligence-Testing Apostrophe

The SymmyS: 2023

Micross #21

SymmyS 2024


Spoonerism Poems (ICYMI)

The Lost Works of Ambigram Magazine

The Last Act of the Cinderella Story

Modern Grammar: Sarcastic Quotes

Micross #20

The Most Confusing Emojis

The Journal of Wordplay #5 Is Here!

TJoW Later Today

TJoW 5 Preview (4 of 4)

TJoW 5 Preview (3 of 4)

TJoW 5 Preview (2 of 4)

TJoW 5 Preview (1 of 4)

Micross #19

Correspondence Day

Call for Contributor Bios!


Work Continues...

Yard Work

Modern Grammar: The Obligatory Exclamation

Micross #18

Modern Grammar: The Corporate "They"

TJoW Update

Sheep and Wool Festival

His Archnemesis


xkcd's "Time"

Micross #17

The Joys of Multicolored Solving

Journal Submission Deadline

Super Con and Super Art Fight

Crossing Models of Media's Future

Lewdle: A Dirty Education

Sexism and the Early US Puzzle Market

Micross #16

"*Newspaper* Puzzles? Sorry, Not Interested"

More Colonial Riddles

The Greatest Irony of Wordplay Studies

The First American Puzzle

The Best WordPlay on YouTube?

The Literate Highway

Micross #15

The Babylonian Theodicy (3 of 3)

Babylonian Theodicy: Intermission

The Babylonian Theodicy (2 of 3)

The Babylonian Theodicy (1 of 3)

Making a Movie Meme

The Name-Action Twist

Micross #14

Eclipse Clips

My Eclipstory

My Brother in Comics

Chasing the Sun

Fool's Block


Micross #13

Is The Joker Funny? (6 of 6)

Is The Joker Funny? (5 of 6)

Is The Joker Funny? (4 of 6)

Is The Joker Funny? (3 of 6)

Is The Joker Funny? (2 of 6)

Is The Joker Funny? (1 of ?)

Micross #12

Wordle's Heel Turn (4 of 4)

Wordle's Heel Turn (3 of 4)

Wordle's Heel Turn (2 of 4)

Wordle's Heel Turn (1 of 4)

Five More Thoughts on "War+P"

Five Quick Thoughts on "War and Peace"

Micross #11

Short Steve

Anniversary Repairs

Saint Patrick's Day Crosswords

"How to Annoy Professor X"

A Few Special Words

Happy Pi Day!

The Orca Awards

"Thank You, Crime"?

Micross #10

Getting Back into the Swing

Movies on the Run

A Logo Lover's Looky-Loo

En Route

Micross #9


Best Wishes to Will Shortz

Einsteinian Rule-Breakers

An Ambigram Word Square

Chord Words

Happy Birthday...!

Micross #8

Anagram Poems (2 of 2)

Anagram Poems (1 of 2)

Hey There, Lucy!

Epic Rap Batles Returns!

Actor Names Are Weird

Crossword Prehistory: Babylonian Acrostics

Micross #7

Journal of Wordplay Policy Updates!

The Journal of Wordplay #4 Is Here!

Subbed vs. Dubbed vs. S'Dubbed

Crossword Prehistory: Egypt

A Reading Challenge

My Favorite Super Bowl Ad (Of Course)

Micross #6

In Defense of Love Languages

Time to Pay Some Money!

The Same Name Game VI

The Same Name Game V

The Sator Square...and Sequels

"The Holy Grail of Logology"

Micross #5

Crossword Prehistory: BCE

Wanted: A "Dumb" Cryptogram-Maker (2 of 2)

Wanted: A "Dumb" Cryptogram-Maker (1 of 2)

Puttering Away

Celebrity Anagrams

When The Past Wordplays Are Better

Micross #4

Seven-Letter Patterns

The Periodic Table of the Alphabet

Highway Ha-Has

Tom H.: The Sequel

"The Greatest Wordplay Puzzle of All Time"

Odds and Ends

Can I Get A Witness?

What-If AUs

Something Light

New Three-Letter Answers (4 of 4)

Snow Day!

New Three-Letter Words (3 of 4)

Micross 2

New Three-Letter Words (2 of 4)

New Three-Letter Answers (1 of 4)

More Con Notations

Off to ConVivial!

Epic Misney

Mickey Mouse Operations

Micross 1 of 50

My New Year's Resolutions

(Clank) (Whirrr) (Bang)

Remembering Jack Lance

Honest Trailer Songs

Call for Journal of Wordplay Submissions!

Now Taking Commissions!


The Year In Crosswords, 2023