Sitemap - 2024 - T Campbell's Grid
The Strange Beginnings of the Super-Team
The Art of "The Abridged Series"
The Highest One-Move Scrabble Score (2 of 2)
The Highest One-Move Scrabble Score (1 of 2)
The True Meaning of "Christmas"
The Greatest Super-Story Never Told
British Word Puzzles, 1800-1850
Cat Sugar Levels, Human BP Levels
Disproving The Marvel Sole-Authorship Theory
Eighteenth-Century British Puzzling
The Art of WandaVision Titles (2 of 2)
The Art of WandaVision Titles (1 of 2)
The Long Gestation of Superman (3 of 3)
The Long Gestation of Superman (2 of 3)
The Long Gestation of Superman (1 of 3)
The Proto-Graphic Novels of 1936
Best Comedy Music Original Song, 2023
Higher-Dimensional Word "Forms"
The Strange Path of the Word "Subbookkeeper"
Crossword Prehistory: Victorian Era
Crossword Prehistory: Ancient to Post-Industrial
The Art (and Science) of Resume Writing
More on WUVZ, QAJAQ, and WUZZY
The Artistic Onomastic Games (2 of 2)
The Artistic Onomastic Games (1 of 2)
Simplified Spelling: An American History
Reading the Longest English Word
Whatever Happened to Henri Duval?
Do These Music Videos Feature The Same People?
Strands: A Weaver's Perspective
The Rise and Fall of the Gaffe
LAUNCH: The Babylonian Theodicy
Unsociable Housemaid's Continuable Numeration
Today's Three-L Lamas (Lllamas?)
AI and the Problem of Mediocrity
Modern Grammar: The @ Sign, Where Where Is Who
Modern Grammar: The Intelligence-Testing Apostrophe
The Lost Works of Ambigram Magazine
The Last Act of the Cinderella Story
Modern Grammar: Sarcastic Quotes
The Journal of Wordplay #5 Is Here!
Modern Grammar: The Obligatory Exclamation
Modern Grammar: The Corporate "They"
The Joys of Multicolored Solving
Crossing Models of Media's Future
Sexism and the Early US Puzzle Market
"*Newspaper* Puzzles? Sorry, Not Interested"
The Greatest Irony of Wordplay Studies
The Babylonian Theodicy (3 of 3)
Babylonian Theodicy: Intermission
The Babylonian Theodicy (2 of 3)
The Babylonian Theodicy (1 of 3)
Five Quick Thoughts on "War and Peace"
Saint Patrick's Day Crosswords
Crossword Prehistory: Babylonian Acrostics
Journal of Wordplay Policy Updates!
The Journal of Wordplay #4 Is Here!
Subbed vs. Dubbed vs. S'Dubbed
My Favorite Super Bowl Ad (Of Course)
The Sator Square...and Sequels
Wanted: A "Dumb" Cryptogram-Maker (2 of 2)
Wanted: A "Dumb" Cryptogram-Maker (1 of 2)
When The Past Wordplays Are Better
The Periodic Table of the Alphabet
"The Greatest Wordplay Puzzle of All Time"
New Three-Letter Answers (4 of 4)
New Three-Letter Words (3 of 4)
New Three-Letter Words (2 of 4)
New Three-Letter Answers (1 of 4)